Enhancing Customer Trust with Credibility Icons

A Small Change with Big Impact

When a leading retailer of environmentally friendly detergent and dishwasher pods partnered with Addison Applications for Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), we recognized an opportunity to further enhance their already successful online shopping experience. While their conversion rate was solid, we identified areas where strategic improvements could drive even greater results. Our team was eager to explore these possibilities and implement changes to elevate their performance.


Revenue per Visitor Increase


Average Order Value Increase


Projected Annual Revenue Impact


Our initial analysis revealed that while the client’s ad campaigns were successful in driving traffic directly to product pages, many users hesitated to move forward with their purchases. We identified this as an opportunity to make strategic improvements to the product detail pages (PDPs)

Our Solution

At Addison Applications, we pride ourselves on crafting data-driven solutions. We identified an opportunity to build trust by adding credibility icons directly below the product page CTA (Call to Action). These icons would emphasize key reassurances such as a money-back guarantee and free shipping, designed to reduce any lingering doubts and encourage users to complete their purchase.


Adding credibility icons below the CTA led to a 6.09% increase in revenue per visitor and a 4.01% boost in average order value. This simple change significantly improved user trust, resulting in an estimated annual revenue impact of ~$350,000.


This case study demonstrates the power of understanding customer behavior and addressing potential concerns directly. By implementing small but strategic changes, such as the credibility icons, Addison Applications significantly improved the client’s product page performance, reinforcing the value of our CRO approach in driving tangible business outcomes.

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